Saturday, March 23, 2013


Mom just brought me a 6inch turkey sub from Subway. I wolfed it down. I Love Subway.

Btw... I just changed my playlist to songs that fit ataxia... falling, and being clumsy, rolling up (wheelchair), etc. How do u like it?

Food Baby

I look pregnant. I eat too much and drink too much pop. I don't walk a lot (it's hard) and I can't do a sit up to save my life.
Thus, I have decided to put myself on a diet. Starting on Monday, March 18, 2013, I stopped drinking pop and started eating smaller portions. I want to keep track of my progress here as well as my FA lifestyle. They kind of go hand in hand.
So, Monday I only had 1 pork chop at dinner, a small portion of corn, and a small amount of mashed potatoes, and a glass of milk with dinner, then water.
Tuesday I missed breakfast, but had water at lunch and dinner, and 6inches of a turkey and black forest sub with lettuce, tomato, and lite mayonnaise for lunch and the other 6 for dinner. Then I had half a bag of popcorn while iwatched Pretty Little Liars.
Wednesday I missed breakfast again (i've never been big on breakfast). I had 6innches of an oven grilled chicken sub from subway with lettuce, tomato, black olives, and lite mayonnaise for lunch. i had the other 6 for dinner.
Thursday was a busy day. I didn't eat until 3pm, I had a few granola bars and water. Then around 7 I had a cheese and broccoli baked potato.
Friday, yesterday, I  actually ate breakfast! I had 1 pack of instant oatmeal. For lunch I had 2 granola bars about an hour apart, and for dinner I had 2 small pieces of pizza. Water all day of course.
Today, I have been doing so good this week, i decided to reward myself with a 20oz bottle of Orange Sunkist for breakfast. :-)
Here's a before pic. This is why I am cutting pop and portions. Portion cutting has me hungry most of the time. It's hard.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I'm back!

I'm back!!
It's been a rough week for falling. I even put a scratch up my butt cuz i slipped on the floor getting into the shower.
Well this is a short post cuz I can't  think of anything to say!
More later!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

3 years?

Wow. It has been nearly 3 years since I last posted an entry. A lot has happened and changed... even in the blogger world. I need to spend time learning the new features.
Instead of trying to catch you all up on what has been happening, I am just going to start new.
Here's a random list of facts about me right now:
I turned 27 on February 5th
I LOVE to read
I am in the process of moving out of my ex bf's house.... a 16 month relationship. (Danny)
I have 4 cats

I was diagnosed in 2010 with Friedreich's Ataxia which has caused me symptoms such as:
heart problems (chest pains)
balance issues
lack of coordination
slight hearing difficulty
slurred speech
motor skill issues

I use a walker and I am in the process of finding a supplier to get me fitted for a wheelchair. I miss things such as the mall, amusement parks, anything with a lot of walking.
I am going to try to post as much as possible. Right now it might only be on Saturday's because I am nowhere with internet.
Well, I am going to go change up the look of my page, or try to anyway.
Take Care.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Reality Shows

Sorry it's been so long. I know some people, *cough*rhonda*cough*, read my posts all the time and miss it when I don't write. I really need to try to get better about keeping it up. I just don't have much to write everyday aside from "I fell again today" lol. I can write about my everyday life and stuff, like a diary, but this was meant for me to write about my ataxia.

So, I've been thinking over the last couple weeks. Almost everyone watches a reality TV show. Whether it is Bachelor or Bachelorette or like me who LOVES Big Brother.
WHY don't the creators of this show ever have a season with people in Wheelchairs or with other problems? I mean, I would so sign up to be on Big Brother if they did a wheelchair or a walker episode. I can't physically do their competitions without the good use of both of my legs.
Everyone in this world is not perfect like the people they put on these shows. I honestly do not think any1 in a wheelchair could ever do survivor. Well, maybe, I have never really watched the show. But if they could make the competitions in Big Brother wheelchair/walker friendly, such as thinking games and things not timed and stuff, then it'd be awesome. And Bachelor and Bachelorette? Why not make the girl/guy in a wheelchair? Why do we get left out and not involved because we are in wheelchairs? It isn't fair. I want a chance to meet people and win money on Big Brother, and I should be able to have a chance. Maybe on Big Brother, people in wheelchairs can go in the house with a walking friend to help them some. They could be voted out together and what not.

I like my idea.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Knock On Wood

Most of you who have been around me and do not know a whole lot about Freidreich’s ataxia probably think that it is something that only affects your walking. However, it affects all of your coordination (arms too).
I have heard stories of some people around my age that have a lot of trouble doing their eyeliner and some that have problems with things such as ketchup bottles.
(Knock on Wood) I do not have these problems to the same affect. My coordination in my arms is still pretty good. Maybe it is because I have always been a computer geek, I have always been an avid video game player, and I have always done tedious things with my hand such as cross-stitch and making jewelry.
If you know me, I am sure you have noticed my eyeliner. It is never perfect, never the same on both eyes, and my right eye is usually a wider width of black than my left, but I do it. Every day (almost).
I have trouble cutting meat… I feel like a little girl always asking for people to cut my steak or chicken or whatever. When I am in a restaurant, I try not to order things that need cutting, but when I do, I embarrass easily by having to ask my Dad, Mom, Boyfriend, or whoever to cut my food.
I have not yet had any trouble with condiments. I put my own mustard on my hotdogs and ketchup on my meatloaf, and I spoon my own sour cream on everything else (haha, I love my sour cream).
I type pretty fast, but not as fast as most computer people. I hit wrong keys lots, especially on laptops, and have to go back and fix it and I can’t type the way I was taught in high school and college… “home keys”
I count money slow, it’s the hand coordination. I could never work in a bank or running a register in a busy store. I feel bad now sometimes working in my mom’s store because sometimes people are in a hurry and I move slow.
I cannot do anything fast. I read slow, count money slow, write slow and sloppy, bag stuff slow, walk slow, snap my fingers slow, everything. Well, ok I lied. I drive kinda fast sometimes. LOL
I CAN still do my eyeliner, work ketchup bottles ;), put in my earrings, work jewelry clasps, play video games (wii, nintendo ds, play station, xbox360), drive, ride escalators, swim, etc. if I am sitting on my butt =)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 15 - Rhonda's wedding

Everything seemed to go wrong for me on Saturday.
First, Rhonda's wedding was at 4:30. Brandon shouldn't have gone, but he had an EMS call at about 2:30 and he went. Regardless of the fact that he should or shouldn't have gone, he tried to get back in time. He had the squad drop him off at home around 4, ran inside and got the quickest shower and shave known to man, lol, and we were out the door and at the church doors at 4:28. I was sooooo relieved. I couldn't imagine missing one of my best friend's wedding. Well, I didn't only have to imagine it, I have to live it because THE CHURCH DOORS WERE LOCKED! I cried and cried =(
Second, after we failed to get in the church, we walked back to my car, that my keys were locked in!!!
As we were waiting for Brandon's pap to bring my extra set of keys up, the church doors opened and the guests started coming out. His pap came to the rescue.... with the wrong set of keys!
We had to ride back to Brandon's with his pap, and as we were getting in the car, Rhonda and Brian came out of the church. When we got home, we had to take Brandon's grandparent's extra car (Brandon's truck was at the fire house), he dropped me off at my car, drove to his truck and parked his grandparent's car, we parked my car, and we hopped in his truck. All of this mess made us slightly late for the reception where we met up with newly engaged Amanda and Chad.
I took a pi of Amanda and she took one of me and of me and B and I got one of her and Chad and I got a few of Rhonda and Brian's first dance (in which he sang to her "You Had Me From Hello") and then my bateries died!!! In all the hustle and bustle, I had forgotten to take an extra pack of batteries!!
Did I mention that I also forgot their wedding card in my car so now I have to mail it, and I forgot a book I had taken for Amanda to borrow in my car too!
OMG - Saturday was a mess... but Rhonda looked absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!